MCSC Mission Statement:
Through Jesus Christ we strive as a community to tear down the walls of separation that foster racial barriers and impose racial inequalities by promoting repentance, reconciliation, and restoration.
Public Service Announcement/Ministers Coalition
The Ministers’ Coalition for Social Change of Spotsylvania and Vicinity in an effort to speak peace to social injustices and to add our voice to the many peaceful protests in and around our communities, take this opportunity to send out a clarion call to any and all who would listen to the Master as He commands us to love one another.
We believe the way to bring peace is through the cross of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:14: “For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.” The Gospel calls us not to just speak God’s Word, but to live it! Through the prophet Micah the Lord tells us to do justice, to love kindness, to walk humbly with Him. Therefore, we have asked God for the ability to respond to the oppressed and the oppressors with His righteousness by working to bring police reform, to change laws that adversely affect minorities, and to end the segregation we see in our places of worship.
We will strive with one voice to bring a greater illumination to why we as a community of Children of the Almighty God must tear down the walls of separation that foster racial barriers and impose racial inequalities.
Through diversity training, with the goal of developing a better understanding and appreciation of cultural differences which will reveal that diversity is our strength and not a weakness, an asset, not a liability. Then and only then, will we witness all humanity being celebrated and see justice roll down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream. God will show us a more excellent way!
Ministers form coalition to push for racial justice in Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg area
Jul 11, 2020, click here
Several local Black ministers have formed a coalition that hopes to unify various factions and make sure there is accountability that brings positive changes to promote social and racial justice.
The group’s formation started after Mozett Petway, a pastor at House of Blessings Church and the president of the Spotsylvania County chapter of the NAACP, approached the Rev. Charles Wormley, a lifelong Spotsylvania resident. The group started with several Spotsylvania pastors, but has since grown to about 24 members, some of which are in other localities in the Fredericksburg area. The group calls itself the Ministers Coalition of Spotsylvania and Surrounding Counties for Social Change.
Several of those involved with the coalition spoke at a June community meeting with the Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors, which agreed to establish an ad-hoc committee to keep lines of communication open on the issues raised by the group.
Petway told the supervisors he is worried about the future of the younger African American generation and how they are treated by police, who he said are seen in the Black community as the traditional “tool” for enforcing unjust limitations on them. read entire article click here.